The intention of this Blog was to bring to light the injustice going on in our Fund. The idea is that if we stay united fighting for the same purpose we will accomplish what divided we can’t.
It is understood that many of us had so much anger built in and perhaps this was the only venue you sought to let it out. That said, personal attacks that have nothing to do with the Fund, will no longer have no place on this Blog. Starting this morning, we stopped tolerating any type of posting without moderating it. Any posts that contains personal insults or allegations without proof will not be posted. We encourage you to email us documents, pictures, recordings or anything that could back up your allegations.
We welcome your posts as long as they are not about anything that wouldn't hold any bearing on the issues mentioned. Stick to the real issues at hand. Stick to the topics.
I am sure everyone knows that what we have started here is something that has never been done. We do it because we believe in the bigger cause, we do it because we believe in these principles:
Fair representation
Equality of Pay
No to Favoritism
No to Discrimination
No to Wrongful Terminations
Respect for our workers from a clerk to a director.
We refuse to believe that in 1199 Family of Funds, the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this Fund. And so, we are fighting to have a chance to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand the riches of fairness and the security of justice.
They will not silence us, they will not silence you.
Together we stand, divided we will continue to fall…